Tuesday, April 26, 2011


In the words of Troy Bolton "I want my own dream, so bad I'm GONNA SCREAM!"

Well. I'm not really worried about my dreams, I think they're pretty good. But I think I can understand how this High School Musical star is feeling right now.

I knew this might happen, but I didn't expect to be so soon. I've been home, what, 4 days? 3 1/2? Do I need to get a job? Yes. Do I want to get out of my pajamas and get it the car and go job hunting? No. Do I want to keep sitting here in my pajamas, sorting through Jerusalem pictures and eating Easter candy? No.

See, that's the problem. I'm too lazy to get where I need to get so that I don't feel this way anymore. Lets be honest though, what I really want is to be back in Jerusalem with all my JC besties romping around the streets of the Old City.


OK.....its over. I can deal with that. I can accept it. But then again...I am sitting here on my bed, in my pajamas, listening to High School Musical and eating Easter candy...

I need a job.

1 comment:

  1. You are honest Emily, and I love it. I do know how you feel to a certain extent.
    Let us see each other soon and talk and talk and talk :)
